Adopt A Bee

Adopt the bee

Be aware, be responsible, save the planet

Kolping Serbia, as a socially and community-responsible organization, appreciates the natural environment and values the principles of ecology and self-sustainability.

For the past 15 years, we have been committed to preserving nature and promoting optimal biodiversity, focusing on beekeeping, primarily organized by our members in the small village of Sajan.

Beekeeping not only contributes to biodiversity in natural ecosystems and ensures crop yields through pollination, but it also provides a source of employment for the local population, particularly women.

We currently own 100 beehives located in our fields of northern Banat, covered with lavender,  among trees of acacia, linden, ash, and herbs.

Our hard-working members and local staff are dedicated to producing 100% natural honey, as well as other honey-based products such as propolis, pollen, soap, and candles.

These locally-made products go beyond their health benefits as they symbolize the hard work and commitment of local women in rural areas. By engaging in beekeeping, these women have an opportunity to become independent, valued, and appreciated in their families, villages, and communities.

Through our initiative, Adopt the Bee, we invite you to join us in being aware and responsible by supporting unemployed women of Vojvodina, promoting gender equality, and creating a future where people live in harmony with nature. 


Saving the bees means saving the world!

You too can contribute by donating:


3€ = 1 Bee
You receive:

  • Instant downloadable certificate
  • Opportunity to visit Kolping open farm and bees whenever you like


50€ = One Queen Bee
You receive:

  • Instant downloadable certificate
  • Digital map of the Queen’s bee hive location
  • Opportunity to visit Kolping open farm and bees whenever you like


150€ = One Bee Hive
You receive:

  • Status of a VIP Member
  • Frameable Certificate of appreciation
  • Personalized beehive with Your name
  • Digital photo of Your bee hive
  • Digital map of the Queen’s bee hive location
  • Opportunity to visit Kolping open farm and bees whenever you like



By adopting 1 bee hive: 

  • You protect 35.000-60.000 bees  
  • You ensure pollination of 500.000.000 flowers during 1 year
  • You support employment for women in rural areas


  • Bees have 5 eyes and 6 legs
  • Male bees in the hive are called drones and they do not have a stinger
  • Worker bees are females
  • An average beehive can hold around 50,000 bees
  • Honeybees sleep between 5 & 8 hours a day. More rest at night when darkness prevents them going out to collect pollen & nectar
  • Queen honey bees live on average 1–2 years whereas workers live on average 15–38 days in the summer and 150–200 days in the winter
  • A honey bee can fly up to 25 km per hour
  • A honey bee worker only makes an average of 1/12 of a teaspoon in her lifetime
  • 450 gr of honey is made by 2 million flower visits
  • 30 gr of honey would fuel a bee’s flight around the world
  • The bees pollinate more than 80% of the plants we use for food and every third bite of food we eat depends on bees.

Kontakt informacije

Adresa: Slovačka 26, 21000 Novi Sad

Telefon: +381 (0) 21 6 337 664



Adresa: Lukijana Mušickog 9, 21000 Novi Sad

Telefon: 021 300 83 59
